Our campaign has officially ended! Still want to make an impact?

To make a contribution, please contact the Development Office at 713-500-3200 or giving@uth.tmc.edu.

Hats Off To The Class of 2024!

As our graduates walk across the stage, we celebrate the culmination of years of preparation and hard work that led to this day. By making a gift in honor of the Class of 2024, you provide support to help future students reach this important milestone for years to come.

Honor the Class of 2024 with a gift of support today!

As we celebrate commencement across our six schools at UTHealth Houston, a new cohort of health professionals is preparing to embark on the journey of a lifetime. All their years of preparation and hard work have led to this moment. 

Philanthropic support has helped our students reach this milestone—whether by providing scholarships that reduced our students’ debt load, support that enhanced our educational environment, or funds that provided opportunities to explore medical research. 

Please consider helping our schools continue to offer these opportunities to future students by making a gift in honor of the Class of 2024. When you make a gift in support of students at any of our six schools, you help future health leaders focus on their studies rather than financial burdens. Your gift of any size helps us train the next generation of health professionals and build brighter, healthier communities

Thank you for supporting our graduates and propelling the success of current and future students who will provide compassionate care for our families, friends, and neighbors for years to come.

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