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PHSAD Student Organization Scholarship

PHSAD Student Organization Scholarship Image
Raised toward our $8,000 Goal
51 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 31, at 11:55 PM CST
Project Owners

Public Health Students of African Descent Student Organization Scholarship

As our nation continues to grow in diversity, so does the demand for compassionate public health professionals who understand the unique needs of our communities. Open to all students of UTHealth School of Public Health, the Public Health Students of African Descent (PHSAD) organization is home to talented, compassionate learners seeking to raise awareness about public health issues affecting people of African descent. Whether helping share information about sickle cell disease or hosting a forum on Black student experiences, PHSAD members are engaging in education that can be a driving force to breaking down barriers to care and promoting health equity. 

As these students commit to years of preparation and education, we invite you to stand beside them by supporting the Public Health Students of African Descent Student Organization Scholarship. This new scholarship will support deserving members of this student-led organization. Your gift of any size moves us closer to our goal and the creation of this award—and, most importantly, to supporting students who are passionate about preventing racial health disparities. 

By committing to today’s learners, you build a strong foundation for tomorrow’s health.

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